Direction and presidency (dir): the management is responsible for all organizational, technical and commercial aspects; defines the strategies, the policy and the objectives of the management system, carries out the periodic review with the close collaboration of rgq and vrgq and all the personnel involved, establishing objectives. establishes the financial and investment policies of the company, as well as commercial strategies. coordinates and supervises the subordinate company functions, preparing the resources necessary for their correct development and development. emphasizes the achievement of customer needs through statistical analysis and de facto methods.
Quality management manager (rgq): collaborates with the functions involved in the drafting, updating, verification, distribution of the m.q. and the documentation of the quality management system. supervises, coordinates and verifies the correct management and application of the procedures and specifications described in the manual, and its implementation. collaborates with the relevant company functions, promoting improvement plans and their implementation, following the review of the system by the director. collaborates with the director for training and training of personnel, for planning and carrying out internal audits. takes care of the documentation management of the system and controls its registrations. represents the management during the inspection visits of the certification body. seeks to give the utmost importance to customer satisfaction, taking care of the analysis of the pre and post sales / delivery minutes through visits and de facto methods.
Assistance in the commercial area management (ass): its task is to assist the management in the commercial area, for which it collaborates with all the company functions, the utmost care in the contact with the acquired and potential customers, with the suppliers, giving maximum attention to the application procedures preparing the necessary resources together with dir for the right choice of analysis and correct development.