The ethical code is a key element for guiding the owner, employees, collaborators, clients, suppliers, and all those working on behalf of A.T.S. S.r.l.
Today, every company is called upon to reflect on ethics, aware that economic success is achieved only by valuing human capital, working in harmony with clients and suppliers, respecting the environment, and considering the cultural and social context. Ethics arises from the culture, history, and context of a company, and business, regardless of the cultural and social context, requires indispensable behaviors. If ethics is lost, roots are abandoned, trust is lost among those involved, and conflict with the environment arises, undermining sustainability and business success.
The goal is to integrate ethics and business into a common vision, considering our ethical identity as a competitive advantage and a distinguishing factor. A.T.S. S.r.l. bases its operations on respecting Italian laws and the constitution, giving priority to the protection of people's health and safety.
The company is committed to ensuring that all work activities are properly recorded, authorized, and verifiable, ensuring the traceability of all business actions. External information and communications must be truthful, accurate, complete, clear, and respectful of privacy, as well as the obligations of the ethical code.